Dental veneers are a common material used in cosmetic dentistry. In dentistry, a dental veneer is simply a thin layer of fused material placed directly over an existing tooth. Dental veneers can either enhance the aesthetics of your smile or safeguard the tooth's surface from further damage. Veneers are fused to the front of the tooth just above the gum line, behind the teeth, or in areas where an overbite occurs. A dental veneer will bond to the tooth with a thin metal laminator that will bond to the tooth permanently after it is bonded to the surface of the tooth by a dentist. Read on from this page to find out more.
Dental veneers are translucent, tooth-colored coverings for teeth that do not have teeth attached to them. They are used primarily to improve the appearance of the smile of people who have missing teeth or have chipped teeth. Dental veneers are also used in conjunction with other dental treatments for those who need to repair or enhance their smile for some reason. Dental veneers are also used to make the teeth appear more attractive for individuals who may have molars or wisdom teeth that have grown in abnormally, making them look smaller in size.
When you visit a cosmetic dentistry clinic for dental veneers, you will have a variety of preparation procedures that you will need to undergo before they can place them on your teeth. These preparation procedures may include placing of an impression, cleaning of the teeth, filling of the cavity if there is any, the attaching of the veneers, the bonding of the veneers to the teeth, and the removal of the veneers. During the consultation that you have with a dentist, he or she will discuss with you the procedure that is going to give you the best results. This consultation will take place in the office of the dentist where you are scheduled to have your initial exam.
The first thing that the dentist will do is take an impression of your mouth so that he or she can create a mold of it. After he or she does this, he or she will take a titanium screw and cover over each tooth in your mouth so that it cannot be seen. The reason behind doing this is so that when the dental veneers are placed on your teeth, it will not cause any type of staining. Each tooth will then have to be filed down so that they will fit properly. In order to do this, the dentist may place a small amount of cement on the surface of the teeth to make them even and level.
Some dentists place crowns over dental veneers during the first appointment. Crowns are used to repair chips and cracks on the teeth which are not very noticeable and do not change over time. Other dentists do this during the second appointment so that the full appearance of the teeth can be restored. If there is any type of deformity that needs to be repaired, the dentist will usually ask you to come back for another visit with a specialist to discuss it.
Dental veneers do not last forever and because of this, they should only be used for an abnormally short period of time. Generally, it can take about ten years for a person's teeth to change color and/or shape enough to require the use of dental veneers. There are some people who end up using dental veneers even after their teeth have been fixed but they still want to have a more natural look. Porcelain resin composite veneers are the most popular because they give a natural look but they do not require any special cleaning.
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