Dental veneers are an increasingly popular way to improve the appearance of your smile. Veneers are essentially porcelain laminates that are applied over the tooth you wish to cover. Porcelain veneers are bonded to the tooth at the back, leaving a gap for natural tooth impression and protection.
Veneers come in many different styles, each designed to correct specific issues with teeth appearance. In dentistry, a dental veneer is basically a thin layer of white porcelain material placed on top of a damaged or chipped tooth. By covering up a tooth or teeth, veneers not only protect the surface of the tooth but also can enhance the overall aesthetics of your smile. They can be used for fixing problems with chipped teeth, broken teeth, missing teeth, discoloration, unsightly fillings, discolored teeth, and even mottled teeth. Because dental veneers are thin laminates, they can be placed virtually anywhere on the tooth, including below the gum line, on the back and sides, near the crown, and even between teeth.
Dental veneers are typically made to imitate the enamel that surrounds the tooth. Since this is tooth-colored, the veneers will blend right in with the rest of your teeth. Since the veneers are tooth-colored, they are more durable than regular tooth-colored coverings, which means that over time, you will not have to replace them as often. Another advantage to Thousand Oaks dental veneers is that they can be custom-made to match your specific tooth exactly. You can request that the veneers be trimmed to reflect the color of your tooth, or have them entirely copied to make your smile look like a celebrity.
There are several reasons why people get veneers. Many patients receive partial or full dental treatment because they are unable to fix one or more of their teeth. Discolored teeth may be chipped off by a car, a ball, or some other object. Or, the enamel may break down and chip in extreme temperatures, such as from being exposed to extreme hot or cold weather conditions. When the enamel of the tooth has worn away, the result can be a gap between the outer layer of enamel and the innermost layer of the tooth. This causes a person to experience tooth sensitivity, tooth decay, or other dental problems.
The veneer will close the gap, making your smile look better and healthier. However, since dental veneers are tooth-colored, they do not blend in with your natural tooth's shade. To this end, you would need dental veneers to match your natural tooth shade. Although some people do not like them, there are others who love them.
Dental porcelain veneers are made out of porcelain material that looks very similar to real tooth enamel. The material is thin, like a chitel, which allows the dentist to cover large areas of your tooth enamel. These dental veneers are designed to be translucent, so that light can pass through them. Because of this, dental veneers are able to reflect light and change its shade. Porcelain is also a safe material to work with, as it resists stains and is easy to clean.
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